Tips for meeting a dog for the first time

Tips for meeting a dog for the first time

As Pet Parents and dog lovers, at one time or another, we have experienced encounters with unfamiliar dogs in common places such as the street, a park, at a friend’s house, at the Vet, or even when meeting a family member's dog for the first time ever! And what does the dog do? Either simply ignores us, barks, or even wags its tail. Regardless of the situation, it is important to express our friendly intentions through proper body language in order to ensure a friendly interaction. Read more about how to approach this common occurrence in the article below provided by your magic tip provider, the Farmina Genius.

Useful tips for the first meeting

These tips should always be observed when meeting a new dog for the first time:
  • Always approach the dog from the side, never from the front or the back to avoid sudden surprises which may cause the dog excessive stress
  • Avoid excessive staring as it might be perceived as an aggressive gesture
  • Do not assume a rigid body posture. Remain calm and relaxed at all times
  • Wait for the dog to approach you by making the first move. The dog will either come forward or simply avoid you

If the dog is happily wagging its tail

  • Dogs have an advanced sense of smell, therefore stay with your arms relaxed and let it perform an inspection to get accustomed to meeting a new person.
  • If the dog has an owner, always ask for permission to pet it
  • Caress the dog on its shoulders and sternum. This way, the dog will always be able to see our hand at all times and will not be scared

If the dog is aggressive, growls, or barks

  • Do not run away! This will trigger the dog’s predatory instinct and give him a sense of superiority
  • Do not yell or make sudden movements. Try your best to keep calm, stay still, and avoid eye contact
With these useful tips in mind, it must also be affirmed that while most dogs are mostly peaceful creatures, not all act that way. Each dog has its own personality and past life experiences. It is therefore important to understand from the dog’s behavior if he would like to be approached and caressed by us or other humans.

Support for Pet Parents and their new dog

After meeting your new family dog, you might be wondering about several aspects of its health and wellness that should not be overlooked. Don’t worry! Our Farmina Genius Consultant along with your Veterinarian will be with you every step of the way with expert tips and advice on nutrition, daily water intake, weight monitoring, urinalysis and several health checks that must be performed over time. Simply download the Farmina Genius App for FREE and enroll in the Pet Care program to be guided towards a happier and healthier life for your pet.

Tip from the Farmina Genius

After bringing home a new dog, make sure that you are in contact right away with a Farmina Genius Consultant to receive useful tips and to create a dynamic nutrition plan tailored to your pet’s unique and changing needs.