Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Farmina Genius APP?

The Farmina Genius App is a FREE health management program to help pet parents manage their pets’ health.
By monitoring the Five Key Health Indicators, you can help your pet(s) live their happiest, healthiest, and longest life possible by enrolling them in the Pet Care Program.

Where can I download the Farmina Genius APP?

The Farmina Genius App can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and Apple Store.

What is the Pet Care Program?

The Pet Care Program, created in collaboration with our animal nutrition and veterinarian team, helps you achieve your pet's well-being through the assessment of 5 Key Indicators. Each indicator helps build a complete prevention program that provides real-time data to your Farmina Genius Consultant and Veterinarian, who can, in case of issues, intervene at an early stage.

What are the 5 key indicators of the Pet Care Program?

The Farmina Pet Care Program, with the supervision of a Farmina Pet Health Coach and your Veterinarian, allows you to monitor 5 key indicators that can help you take care of your pets' well-being:

Body Shape (Weight and Body Condition Score)
Dynamic Nutrition Plan
Water Intake
Urinary pH Control
Health Check (Bloodwork, Urinalysis, Stools analysis)

What is a Dynamic Nutrition Plan?

Each pet is unique and has its own nutritional requirements based on different variables such as age, breed, weight and lifestyle.
The Farmina Vet Research team hase developed a tool that calculates your pet’s daily caloric requirement based on its pet's needs and health status. The Dynamic Nutrition Plan may require update during the pet's life according to his activity levels, age and health status.
This service is completely free and can be requested by enrolling your pet to the Farmina Health Program or by downloading the Farmina Genius APP (where available).

How can I monitor my pet's water intake?

At home, on a three days per week basis, put a measured amount of water in your pet's bowl and monitor how much is left after 24 hours. By averaging the three days you will come up with a reliable value to use as a reference.

How can I weigh my pet?

Weighing your pet is an important part of their health management.
Here are a few methods you can use to weigh your pet:

For mini and small sized pet: a kitchen scale in most cases will do.

For small to mid size pets use a human scale: If you don't have access to a pet scale, you can use a human scale to weigh your pet. First, weigh yourself on the scale, then pick up your pet and step back onto the scale. Subtract your weight from the combined weight to get your pet's weight.

For larger pets visit your veterinarian or closest genius center: Weigh your pet during their regular check-ups. This is also a good opportunity to discuss your pet's overall health and any concerns you may have.

Remember, it's important to weigh your pet regularly to ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity can lead to a variety of health problems in pets, just like in humans.

How can I check my pet's Urinary pH?

To check your pet's urinary pH, follow these steps:

1. Purchase urinary pH test strips from your veterinarian or a pet supply store.

2. Collect a urine sample in a clean container.

3. Dip the test strip into the urine sample and compare the color to the chart provided.

4. Normal urinary pH levels for pets range from 6 to 7. If your pet's urinary pH is consistently outside of this range, consult with your veterinarian.

Checking your pet's urinary pH can help monitor their overall health. For optimal pet health, it's important to schedule regular veterinary check-ups, feed a balanced diet, and provide plenty of exercise.

What does Body Condition Score mean?

Body Condition Score (BCS) is a system used to evaluate the current shape and body condition of your cat or dog. It consists of a visual and tactile evaluation of the pet's body shape and fat cover over specific areas of the body.

The BCS system uses a scale of 1-5, with 1 being vey underweight and 5 being Obese.

The BCS system is used by veterinarians and pet owners to monitor a pet's weight and body fat, as excessive weight can lead to health problems such as joint issues, diabetes, and heart disease. Maintaining an appropriate BCS can help ensure a pet's overall health and well-being.

Find out how to evaluate your pet's body condition score at this link