Obesity in Dogs: Keep your pet in good shape

Obesity in Dogs: Keep your pet in good shape

Obesity is a growing problem among dogs, which can lead to various health problems and even shorten their lifespan. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes, risks and prevention tips for canine obesity to help ensure that your dog maintains a healthy weight and lives a long and happy life.

Causes of obesity in dogs
Obesity is becoming an increasingly common problem in dogs, leading to a range of health issues such as joint problems, diabetes, respiratory issues, heart disease and even decreased lifespan.

The primary cause of obesity in dogs is an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. This means that dogs are consuming more calories than they are burning through physical activity and metabolism.

Some common causes include:
  • Overfeeding: Giving your dog too much food or too many treats can contribute to obesity.
  • Lack of exercise: Dogs that do not get enough exercise may not burn enough calories to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Breed predisposition: Some dog breeds - such as Beagles, Dachshunds, Labrador Retrievers or Rottweilers,  - are more prone to obesity than others.
  • Age: Older dogs may be less active and have a slower metabolism, which can contribute to obesity.
  • Neutering: Besides removing an organ that impacts metabolism, neutering induces behavioral alterations that tend to include less willingness to move.
How to Find Out if Your Dog is Overweight?
You can determine if your dog is overweight or obese by using the Body Condition Score (BCS) index.

The BCS index is a visual and tactile method of assessing a dog’s body fat. A dog’s BCS is determined by feeling their ribs, spine, and hips, and assessing the amount of fat covering these bones.
A dog with an overweight or obese BCS will have excess fat covering their ribs, spine, and hips, and their waistline will be less visible.

Find out how to check your pet’s BCS on your own or with the help of your trusted Vet or Farmina Nutrition Consultant at this link.

Prevention is the key!
As with most health issues prevention is always crucial to avoid future complications.
Preventing obesity in dogs involves a combination of proper nutrition and exercise.

Here are some tips to help prevent obesity in dogs:
  • Feed a balanced diet: Choose a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for your dog’s age, breed, and activity level.
  • Limit treats: Treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.
  • Provide regular exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, such as walking, running, or playing fetch.
  • Monitor weight: Regularly weigh your dog and monitor their body condition score to ensure that they are maintaining a healthy weight.
Help from your Genius Consultant
At Farmina we take prevention and your pet’s health seriously. Take the first step in enrolling your dog in the Farmina Pet Care Program, by downloading the Farmina Genius APP.
Together with your trusted Farmina Genius Consultant you can create a dynamic nutrition plan tailored to your dog’s specific needs.
Moreover you can monitor your pet’s weight, body condition score, and water intake.