Learn how to evaluate your pet’s Body Condition Score

Are you wondering if your dog or your cat is overweight or underweight? Learn how to perform this check at home without having to use a special scale or tool to make sure your furry friend is looking and feeling great.
In this article, you are going to learn the simplest method to evaluate whether or not your pet is in good shape by using a technique known as the Body Condition Score.

It is a measurement technique that helps us evaluate the current shape and body condition of your cat or dog.
One of the most commonly used scales is based on 5 points: very underweight, underweight, ideal weight, overweight, obese.
Two evaluations help us determine the Body Condition Score (BCS): the first is visual (from above and from the side), while the second is tactile (touching the chest and base of the tail).

How to evaluate the Body Condition Score
There are some specific points on the body of your best friend that you should be inspecting regularly in order to develop the best course of action with your Farmina Genius Pet Health Coach and trusted Vet.

Visual Examination
For this visual examination, the ribs play a key role. By the degree of difficulty that you find in identifying, palpating, and counting them, you will have an excellent guide that will help you evaluate your pet’s body condition.

  • Very Underweight: The ribs, lumbar vertebrae, and pelvis bones are visible. There is no fat that can be felt. The abdominal curvature and waistline are well marked.
  • Underweight: The ribs are easy to feel and covered with slight fat. If viewed from above, the waistline is in clear sight. Obvious abdominal curvature.
  • Ideal: Ribs palpable and without an excess of fat under the skin. From above, one can see the waistline behind the ribs. The abdominal curvature is visible if looked at from the side.
  • Overweight: The ribs are still felt, but show excess fat under the skin. From above, the waistline can be observed although it is not well marked. The abdominal curvature is not clearly discoverable.
  • Obese: Non-palpable ribs underneath a large amount of fat. Fat deposits are visible on the lower back and at the base of the tail. The waistline is very little.
After checking your pets visually and touching them to identify the fat deposits mentioned above, you can get an idea of their body condition.
By downloading the Farmina Genius App on your smartphone, your Farmina Genius Pet Health Coach will be at your service offering expert support and advice. Just upload your pets’ pictures onto the App to receive a complete evaluation with constant monitoring.
Moreover, based on your pet’s score, your Genius Pet Health Coach and Local Veterinarian will develop a proper diet recommendation complete with a proper feeding guide including feeding frequency and useful tips for a future filled with happiness for your pet.

Tips from the Farmina Genius
Beware of common mistakes!
Long pet hair – During the visual examination, long hair coats, could prove to be deceiving to a Pet Parent’s untrained eye as your pet might appear slightly larger than they are
Body Mass Index – Due to hereditary traits, some breeds may be more muscular or fat than others. Keep this in mind when assigning a specific score to your pet.
After having performed a visual Body Condition score examination, always seek help from your trusted Veterinarian to confirm the condition.