The link between pet and owner mental health: How pets improve wellbeing

The link between pet and owner mental health: How pets improve wellbeing

As responsible pet parents, you always strive to take the best possible care of your beloved pets.
This includes taking care of their most basic needs (walking, grooming, vet visits etc.) and offering the best possible nutrition for their wellbeing.

In this article we would like to focus more on the effects of owning a pet and how they can improve our overall wellbeing. The bond between pets and their owners goes beyond mere companionship – it's a source of emotional support, stress relief, and a pathway to improved overall wellbeing.

Below we will delve in some of the most known ways our furry friends make our lives better.
  • Active lifestyle and cardiovascular health: The responsibilities of pet ownership, in particular for dog owners, include regular walks and playtime, promoting physical activity for both owners and pets. This active lifestyle contributes to enhanced cardiovascular health and overall fitness. In fact, dog owners can spend on average 300 minutes a week walking their dog and are most likely to easily reach the 10,000 steps per day suggested by most medical associations.
  • Make us feel less lonely: The unconditional love and companionship that pets offer create a unique bond. Pets, with their constant presence and non-judgmental nature, are there even when people can't. They become loyal companions, easing feelings of isolation, and providing comfort during challenging times. Studies consistently show that human-pet interactions can help address social isolation.
  • Stress reduction and anxiety management: Interactions with pets, be it the calming purr of a cat or the wagging tail of a dog, have been scientifically linked to reduced cortisol levels—the hormone associated with stress. Simple actions, like spending 10 minutes petting a dog, can profoundly impact stress reduction. Pets play a pivotal role in managing anxiety, offering therapeutic effects, from the support of service animals during panic attacks to the calming presence of a cat in moments of anxiety.
  • Health benefits: Numerous studies suggest that pet ownership can lower blood pressure levels and decrease the risk of heart disease. The calming effect of a pet's presence contributes to a healthier heart and a more resilient immune system.
  • Emotional therapy: Therapy pets, specifically trained to implement behaviors that provide comfort and support, showcase the therapeutic potential of the human-animal bond. Increasingly integrated into hospitals, schools, and therapy sessions, these furry companions facilitate healing and emotional wellbeing.
  • Structured routine: The routine associated with pet care positively impacts the mental health of owners. Whether it's a morning walk or a nightly cuddle, these routines instill a sense of stability and purpose in life.
In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, the significance of the bond between pets and their owners cannot be overstated. The emotional support, stress reduction, and physical health benefits derived from this relationship make pet ownership a valuable asset to mental wellbeing.

Given the myriad of ways our beloved pets enhance our overall wellbeing, let's reciprocate by enrolling them in the Farmina Pet Care Program. Thanks to the support of your Farmina Consultant you can provide them the best nutrition and overall care, ensuring their health and happiness.