Why do dogs roll on grass?

Why do dogs roll on grass?

Have you ever wondered why your dog loves to roll on the grass? If you are a dog parent it is most likely that you know this behavior well, which sometimes may be frustrating, especially after an intense grooming session.

This common canine behavior can seem puzzling, but it’s rooted in various instinctive, communicative, and sensory reasons. Let’s explore some here below.

Instinctual behavior: Dogs inherit many behaviors from their wild ancestors, wolves. One such instinct is the desire to cover their scent. Wolves roll in different scents to mask their presence from prey or to blend into their environment. Similarly, your dog might roll on the grass to disguise their scent as a throwback to their predatory instincts.

Communication: Scent is one of the most common ways for dogs to communicate. Just as dogs use urination to mark their territory and communicate with other dogs, rolling on grass can serve a similar purpose. When your dog rolls on the ground, they might be leaving behind their scent to signal to other dogs that they’ve been there. It’s their way of saying, “I was here!” or “This is my territory”.

Enjoyment: Sometimes, dogs roll on the grass simply because they enjoy it. The texture, scent, and coolness of the grass can be delightful for them. It’s a fun and natural behavior that many dogs find pleasurable.

When to pay attention
Even though rolling on the grass or even the ground is a perfectly normal behavior within our canine friends, there are some cases in which we should pay more attention:

Ear infection: If your dog is scratching their head or ears while rolling, it could be a sign of an ear infection. Ear infections can be uncomfortable and cause dogs to try to relieve the irritation by rubbing their ears on the ground. If you suspect an ear infection, it’s important to consult your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Scratching an itch: Sometimes, a simple itch is the reason behind your dog’s rolling behavior. Laying on their back allows them to scratch an itch they can’t reach. However, if the itching is persistent and accompanied by skin issues - such as dandruff, dry skin, redness or bald spots even the presence of fleas - it may indicate an allergic reaction that requires veterinary attention or even a change in diet. 

Noticed any signs of skin and coat issues?
Speak to you vet or to a Farmina Consultant about N&D Quinoa Skin & Coat and see if the diet is suitable for your pet.

For more information on skin and coat issues in your pet, read the dedicated genius tip article.

If your vet has excluded any underlying health issues, rolling on grass is generally normal and harmless behavior for dogs. When allowing this behavior, it is strongly recommended to protect your dog from parasites it might encounter while rolling around outdoors, by using an antiparasitic medicine or insect collar. By taking this simple precaution, you can let your pup enjoy his outdoor adventures with more peace of mind.