How Much Water Should Your Pet Drink?

How Much Water Should Your Pet Drink?

Proper hydration is essential for the overall well-being of our beloved furry friends. As responsible pet parents, it's crucial to understand the significance of water consumption and ensure our pets are adequately hydrated. 

How much water per day?
The ultimate question is “How much water should my pet drink per day”?
Generally, cats should drink 60mls/kg of water per day while dogs around 60-80ml of water per kilogram of body weight.
However, these are just guidelines and can vary based on factors such as size, weight, age and weather.

Factors Affecting Water Consumption
Weather and physical activity play a significant role in determining your pet's water needs.
During hot summer months, dogs and cats may require more water to stay hydrated and regulate their body temperature. Similarly, increased physical activity, such as exercise or playtime, can also increase their water intake. In these scenarios create the habit of always checking that your pet's bowl is filled with water.
It's essential to be mindful of the above mentioned factors and to remember that water should be always available, fresh and plenty. 

Monitor Water Consumption
A key factor to your pet’s hydration is knowing how much it actually drinks throughout the day. 
Measuring your pet's average daily water consumption can be performed easily at home. On a monthly basis, measure how much water it drinks in a day. Then make an average  of how much it drinks in 3 days over a week. The result will be the daily water consumption.

Moreover, be aware that a sudden increase of water intake can be a red flag for serious health issues such as renal insufficiency or diabetes.
If you notice any derangement from the normal habits always contact your trusted vet. 

To learn more on how to monitor your pet’s water intake read this article or reach out to your local Farmina Genius Consultant.

Integrate with wet food
If you are struggling having your pet drink enough water, an extra genius tip is to add wet food to its diet. Wet food contains a higher moisture content compared to dry kibbles, which can help increase water intake and therefore meet its daily hydration requirements.

Contact your trusted Farmina Genius Consultant to receive a mixed feeding plan. This will ensure that your four-legged friend meets all its daily nutrition and hydration requirements.

A well-hydrated pet is a happy and healthy pet
Water consumption is crucial for the health and vitality of our dogs and cats. To ensure that our pets stay properly hydrated start a healthy habit of monitoring their water intake and inserting the details in the Farmina Genius APP. A genius consultant will be there to assist you in case of assistance or to help identify possible red flags. Remember, a well-hydrated pet is a happy and healthy pet.