Understanding Dog Diarrhea
As for humans, diarrhea can be a common gastrointestinal disorder in dogs. Depending on the pet it can vary in frequency and reason.
In this Genius Tips article we will review some of the main causes and advice on how to manage this inconvenience.
Main causes for dog diarrhea
Diarrhea is a gut illness which results in watery and frequent bowel movements.
The causes may vary and can range from dietary indiscretions and food intolerances to infections and parasites.
There are many reasons why a dog may develop loose stools, but among the most frequent causes are:
- Switching to a new food or diet: Switching to a new brand of food or changing the diet can lead to gastrointestinal upset if transition is done quickly. It is always recommended to perform a gradual transition (usually of 10 days) to allow the pet to get accustomed to the change.
For more information on how to properly transition between different food brands, contact a Farmina Nutrition Consultant for support.
- Eating something non-designated for dogs: your pet may have eaten something bad for his digestive system such as trash, human food such as chocolate or even a foreign object. If you suspect your pet has ingested something harmful, bring him immediately to the vet.
- Food allergy or intolerance: Your pet may be allergic to a certain ingredient in his food and can’t digest properly.
- Illness, Infections or Parasites: Sometimes diarrhea can be a sign of more serious health concern and may be caused by the presence of Parasites (such as worms or other organisms), Infections (viral or bacterial such as Salmonella, Distemper or Parvovirus), or Illness (such as liver and kidney disease). If your pet’s diarrhea is persistent and accompanied by other symptoms always visit your trusted vet
- Physical reactions can also trigger diarrhea. For example: sudden changes in temperature, such as bringing your dog out in the winter cold, can place stress on their digestive system thus leading to loose stools.
How to manage your dog’s diarrhea
Though you won’t be able to prevent the appearance of diarrhea, there are some handy tips on to manage the situation properly:
- Have patience: diarrhea is frequent and annoying to clean up. But in most cases, it will resolve on its own.
- Check the colour: always check the colour of your pet’s stools. If you notice any deviation from the norm or any presence of blood stains, get immediately in touch with your vet. Need help in understanding the meaning of different poop colours? Then read this article.
- Keep your pet hydrated: with diarrhea your pet is also losing water. Always make sure to check its bowl and that fresh water is always available.
- Monitor your dog’s behavior: if you notice that its mood or behavior has gotten worse, then seek veterinary advice.
Support from your Genius Consultant
If you have any concern regarding the current state of your pet suffering from diarrhea, remember that you can always count on the precious support of your
Farmina Genius Consultant, who will help in indicating the best course of action as well as the most ideal food for your four-legged friend. In this case, it is suggested to try N&D Quinoa Digestion formula, to help bring your dog’s digestive system to normal.
Discover N&D Quinoa Digestion