Why does my cat sometimes bite when I pet it?

Why does my cat sometimes bite when I pet it?

Cats are friendly creatures that do not normally attack their beloved Pet Parents, however, there are some instances when their first reaction is to bite. Suddenly receiving a bite always leaves us a little surprised because we hardly ever understand the real motivation behind this gesture. Discover some of the most accredited reasons behind this unusual behavior and bite directly through this common occurrence by reading this article brought to you by your cat’s best friend, the Farmina Genius. Why does my cat bite
One of the most common interpretations of this behavior is the one that entails in this gesture a reaction that is completely natural, also known as a defense reaction because the cat feels threatened. It is difficult for us to understand since most of the time we are creating a friendly environment, but the cat during that specific instance feels trapped. From what the community has seen so far, we can distinguish between two types of cats. The first one being cats that have been in close contact with other cats and humans, therefore they are less likely to attack since they are used to these situations. The second type of cats, on the other hand, has not been accustomed to interactions and feel comfortable only when they can freely decide how and how long to be caressed. From this second type, we will probably have both bites and scratches if we pamper them too much. An additional interpretation is tied to certain areas where the cat does not like to be touched, especially the neck and the belly. A cat that turns with its belly up might be assuming a position used for defensive purposes during a fight.  
How to Stop a Cat From Biting
For our furry friends who display this type of reaction, we can patiently attempt to increase their tolerance to caresses with extreme love, patience and care. First, caress the cat without picking it up and then little by little try to hold him on your lap for a few seconds while still giving him plenty of space. Giving lots of space reduces the cat’s feeling of being trapped and therefore it will allow Pet Parents to build the necessary trust and confidence. If aggressive behavior is unfortunately still showing, neutering could be a solution. Always touch base with your Vet to find out if neutering is appropriate for your kitten or cat. Deciding to go this route with your cat brings several benefits such as:
  • In the case of female cats, neutering eliminates the risk of unwanted pregnancies;
  • Reduces the risk of developing mammary pathologies;
  • Can help keep some behavioral problems such as biting in check.
Farmina Genius App and the Pet Care Program: Helping pets during every situation and life stage
The Farmina Genius has always been extremely attentive to the different nutrition requirements of pets during every single life stage. For a neutered pet, a lower daily energy intake is needed. Therefore it is important to carefully monitor its nutrition in order to counteract the tendency to overweight. Receive advice from your Farmina Genius Consultant and your local Vet on how to properly weigh your pet and to receive a tailored dynamic nutrition plan. Start monitoring your pet’s weight right away by signing up for the Farmina Genius Pet Care Program with just a few simple steps:
  1. Download Farmina Genius App;
  2. Insert your cat’s weight;
  3. Get a tailored dynamic nutrition plan;
  4. Keep track of your cat’s weight over time.
Tip from the Farmina Genius
Did you know that neutering may cause weight gain? To counteract this phenomenon, your cat’s weight must be properly monitored on a regular basis. Your Farmina Genius Consultant and Vet can help you choose the right food, reach or maintain an ideal Body Condition Score and develop a tailored dynamic nutrition plan.