Protect your kitten with these important vaccinations

Protect your kitten with these important vaccinations

Did a newborn kitten just join your wonderful family? Then you might be wondering what the appropriate vaccinations and best course of action to protect your kitten against some potentially serious diseases could be. Read a quick overview in the article created by the Farmina Genius and always consult your Veterinarian before beginning any type of treatment for your kitten.
Protecting your kitten
To protect your kitten from developing potential infectious diseases, there are numerous vaccinations. Some of the more common pathogens are:
  • Herpesvirus, responsible for feline rhinotracheitis;
  • Calicivirus agents of feline calicivirus;
  • Parvoviruses responsible for feline panleukopenia.
To tackle these 3 pathogens mentioned above, the use of a single vaccine allows simultaneous immunization against these three diseases (herpesvirus, calcivirus and parvovirus). Another important vaccine that will aid your kitten towards a happy and healthy life is related to the prevention of rabies, a viral infection of the nervous system also common among other mammals. Ask your veterinarian for advice on what is the best vaccination protocol for your kitten. By preventing these diseases, you will give your kitten a head start towards long-term wellness.
Farmina Genius and your Vet: A formidable team at your kitten’s service!
Before beginning any kind of vaccination treatment, it is opportune to reach out to your trusted Veterinarian who will recommend the best course of action bearing in mind your kitten’s unique needs and health requirements. After seeking the expert guidance of your Vet, you will have the possibility to record all vaccinations in order to be reminded of any future recalls onto the FREE Farmina Genius App. Within the app, you can also get in contact with your Farmina Genius Consultant to join the Pet Care Program designed to provide a healthier life for your pet. Get started today and take the first step towards your pet’s wellness!
Tip from the Farmina Genius
Not sure which food is right for your kitten’s growth? Farmina Genius Consultants can help with that too! Design a dynamic nutrition plan tailored to your pet’s needs and monitor its growth curve to adjust feeding in real-time for any occasion.