Bath time! When and how you should bathe your cat

Bath time! When and how you should bathe your cat

To bathe your cat or not? This is often the first question that comes to our mind as loving Pet Parents that want the best for our four-legged family members. Cats, as commonly known, spend most of their time self-cleaning and are very thorough in this operation. With their tongues, they can cleanse the hair from dirt and other various agents, keeping it mostly clean and odorless. This self-cleaning activity, which also has a social function in the feline world is known as "grooming". In some particular cases, however, cats must be bathed by their loving Pet Parents. Discover when and how to perform this delicate task properly in the comfort of your own home!
When to give your cat a bath
There are several situations that call for a bath, let’s take a look at them more closely. Excessive exposure to dirty areas - Your cat’s hair may be excessively dirty due to some occasional reasons such as playing outside or in areas that are not clean. Adverse conditions - The cat may be in particular physical or psychological conditions and not be able to self-clean Exposure to harmful substances - Always wash your cat if for any reason it comes into contact with substances that could be HARMFUL or even POISONOUS. Remember to seek assistance from your Vet to devise the best course of action.
How to properly bathe your cat
It’s not easy to convince your cat to go under the water for bath time, therefore as Pet Parents, we must keep calm, be patient and show lots of love and care. Follow these steps for the perfect bath: Brush the cat’s fur This will remove part of their loose hair and untie the knots on the coat of long-haired cats. If wet, the hair can tighten further and become very difficult to untangle. Preparing the bath Keep towels handy and ready keeping in mind that you might get wet or dirty, therefore wearing proper clothes for the task are strongly recommended. When it comes to choosing shampoo and detergents, avoid using human products as they could bother the cat due to their strong smell. Always choose products that are specifically formulated for them. Prepare a basin, a tub, or sink with water at a temperature that is equal to that of the cat's body (about 100 °F). Fill it to 4 in and immerse the cat in it after turning off the tap or shower. During the bath Make sure that you are not spraying water directly on the cat but instead using your hand as a filter. Water pressure should be as low and as gentle as possible. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly as the residues could irritate the cat’s delicate skin.
Drying after the bath
To dry, pat the cat with a hot towel. Alternatively, If your cat tolerates it (and is not terrified of it like most cats ...) you can use a hairdryer if kept at mild temperatures and without directing it towards the mouth and nose. If your cat's coat is long, it is advisable to comb it as you are drying in order to prevent the formation of knots. If you are unable to perform these steps highlighted at home, then seek the help of a professional groomer who will take care of your cat’s hygiene.
Caring for your cat’s health with the Farmina Genius App and the Farmina Genius Pet Care Program
Simply download the Farmina Genius App for FREE and enroll your cat in the Pet Care Program. Your Farmina Genius Pet Health Coach will be on hand to provide useful tips related to your cat’s health, wellness and hygiene. But that’s not all! Explore other features such as water intake monitoring, tailored dynamic nutrition plan, body condition score, health check reminders, and urinalysis to always stay on top of your cat’s health.
Tip from the Farmina Genius
Reward your cat after a successful bath with his favorite Farmina Food! Not sure which food is right for your pet? Just download the Farmina Genius App and your Genius Pet Health Coach will guide you every step of the way with tips and tricks on proper feeding.