Find out your cat’s signs of tranquility and fulfillment

Find out your cat’s signs of tranquility and fulfillment

Are cats happy to see us? Are they in a good mood? How do they express and communicate their state of well-being and their tranquility? To communicate all of the above, our astute feline friends assume some common postures and perform various recognizable gestures. Cat's provide a high degree of expressiveness through their body language. Read all about these common signs in this FarminaGenius article and always remember that the genie is here to grant all your wishes with his brilliant pet care solutions!

What are the signs of a calm and peaceful cat?

We all want our cats to be healthy, happy and to enjoy their life to the fullest, but how do we know if we are really doing the right things for them? What are the signs of tranquility and fulfillment? Let's find out! First, we need to make sure they have all the essential resources for their daily life. From a comfortable bed to overhead shelves, from hiding places to scratching posts, from bowls to litter boxes. These are some of the essential items you will need to have ready in order to keep your cat happy. It's important to feed your cat properly including the right amounts of food to limit the risk of becoming overweight and related pathologies that may occur. Ask your Genius Pet Health Coach for the precise rationing through a dynamic nutrition plan that will help maintain their ideal weight. Remember that the quantities indicated on the bag don't take into account the breed, age, and activity level of your cat while our Genius Pet Health Coach does. If you've just welcomed a kitten to your home, it may take some time to get to know them. Gradually you will become familiar with their traits, habits, and body language which is part of the joy of  welcoming a cat into your home. gatto-tranquillo-e-sereno

Signs from the tail, head, and eyes of cat

Let’s begin by analyzing one of the most important body parts when it comes to nonverbal communication, the tail. Usually, if a cat holds their tail straight, much like a candle, it is a sign of happiness and willingness to interact with us. If the very tip of the tail is slightly curved when held straight, then something has prompted the cat’s curiosity and the need to explore has been triggered. Finally, another sign that can be interpreted by looking at their tail is when it is kept down in total relaxation. This suggests that the cat is comfortable with the surrounding environment. Nonverbal signs can also be observed based on their head movements. If a cat rubs their head against you, pats their head on your hand, lick you and also holds its head straight above the line of the body without lowering it, we can tell that our feline friend is fully relaxed and feels completely at ease when seeing their beloved Pet Parents. When looking at the cat’s eyes, it is important to focus on the pupils. If we observe a round shape, then this is a positive sign of relaxation. Another sign of tranquility from their eyes is if they are half-closed, which implies that the cat is falling asleep.

Understanding your cat: the paws and the back

The paws and the back also play a vital role in interpreting tranquility. If a cat arches its back and "kneads" with its paws, taking small steps or staying still, it is happy! At that moment the cat is happy with your presence just as much as it would be with its mother. Another common behavior is when the cat lies on its stomach and rolls onto its back. This means that it is expressing its total trust in you. This position for a cat is one that absolutely makes them feel the most vulnerable. Some cats do not like to be stroked on the belly and usually grab the hand that caresses them with their front paws. If a cat turns around on its belly, it feels completely at ease and has achieved maximum confidence and tranquility.

Total tranquility for Pet Parents with the Pet Care Program and the FarminaGenius App

Now that we've seen how your cat shows signs of tranquility, it's time for you to feel at ease too! Achieve your pet’s long-term wellness right at your fingertips by downloading the FarminaGenius App. A FarminaGenius Pet Health Coach will be by your side to provide personalized solutions starting with a dynamic nutrition plan for your kitten complete with the ideal N&D product. Keep track of your pet’s 5 Key Indicators in the Pet Care Program for a healthy life for your cat. Your Veterinarian and Genius Pet Health Coach will work as a team to provide sustainable solutions!

Tip from the FarminaGenius

To achieve complete tranquility and fulfillment, proper nutrition for your cat is the cornerstone. Ask a Genius Pet Health Coach for support in creating a tailored plan. This custom solution takes into account your pet’s activity level, breed, age and several other crucial factors.