Can Cats and Dogs Coexist In The Same Home?

Can Cats and Dogs Coexist In The Same Home?

Have you heard of the common expression “they fight like cats and dogs” when describing two people that argue often? When it comes to pets, if they get to know each other, a cat and a dog can coexist in the same house. They become friends, play together and even sleep next to each other! Read all about the most common scenarios of when a cat or dog is introduced to its counterpart in this latest article written by FarminaGenius, your pet care solutions expert.

Cats and Dogs become part of the same home at a young age

This  usually does not pose any particular obstacles as behavioral development happens in this early learning and growing phase. If they grow up together, they will be friends and the experience will prove to be constructive for both. It has also been observed that the two little friends develop a common language and exchange their respective "signals". For example, dogs will use their nose much more often to get to know everyone and cats will wag the tail much more.

Introduction of a second pet at home

If you already have a cat or dog and are looking to introduce a new pet, adjustments must be made. The dog and cat should meet under strict supervision from the Pet Parent at all times. For example, the energetic nature of a puppy could alter an adult cat’s inner peace in its familiar home surroundings. As a consequence, it is best not to leave the two alone until we are completely sure that the cat is used to this new family member. If left unsupervised, the cat could scratch the puppy. On the other hand, introducing a kitten to a home with an adult dog usually poses fewer difficulties. Dogs are known to be more patient and willing to accept another family member compared to cats. As a result,  the transition should be smooth unless there is some individual hostility towards the kitten. Pet Parents must watch out for the size difference between the two pets which may lead to rough play.

Guidance and supervision with the Pet Care Program

The two new friends will get to know each other little by little with a mixture of emotions. First, they may show some hostility but then they will become siblings and your home will become common ground. One thing that should not be shared and that must be planned individually is their nutrition needs. Thanks to the FarminaGenius App and the Pet Care Program, you can do this easily with expert guidance. To access the Pet Care solutions offered by Farmina, just download the FREE FarminaGenius app! You'll be in touch with a Genius Pet Health Coach to create a dynamic nutrition plan and to assess the other important aspects of your pet’s health and well being such as water intake, urinary pH control, BCS calculation, and some common health checks to be done by your local Vet.

Tip From the Farmina Genius

Since a possible "threat" is most likely posed by the adult dog or cat, the FarminaGenius recommends holding the puppy or kitten in your hands and observing the adult's reaction. It is also advisable to reward the adult pet with a treat when the new family member arrives. This way, they will associate the newcomer with "something good". Lastly, avoid suddenly directing all your attention exclusively to the little one in order to avoid stimulating feelings of jealousy.