Introducing a newborn baby to your dog

Introducing a newborn baby to your dog

A baby is about to be born and will shortly return home. The whole family is excited, but how will your dog react? Up to this point, the dog has always been at the center of attention! Have no fear! Just make some adjustments and everything will fall into place naturally while keeping the same harmony in the family. Here are tips to help your dog familiarize with the newborn baby so they can become best friends.

Introducing a newborn baby to your dog

1 Teach your dog some basic obedience commands

We should teach our dog several basic commands such as “stay”, “come” and “sit”. Impetuous behavior such as uncontrollable jumps and displays of overly impulsive affection should be avoided.

2 Familiarize the dog with the children

Some dogs have never been around children so they don't know their habits and their unpredictable behaviors. You can take your dog to outdoor locations such as the park, where he can familiarize himself with mothers and children while keeping a safe distance. If possible, take him on walks with friends who have children to allow the dog to observe a child’s behavior.

3 Introduce the dog to the baby's objects and smells

Getting your dog used to accessories for children such as strollers, games, cradles will help him react better to these objects when they invade his spaces. Bring home a blanket that the newborn used in the first days of life in the hospital and let your dog smell it so that he can get to know and familiarize himself with the new scent before the baby comes home.

4 Reward your dog when you return from the hospital

When the mother finally comes home after giving birth, it is advisable that you greet the dog without the baby in her arms because the dog will be thrilled to meet her again, after days of absence. Always reward your dog when you feed the baby or simply when you hold him in your arms. Doing this will help avoid jealousy between the baby and the dog.

5 Give enough attention and time to your dog

All the new changes, with the arrival of a newborn in the family, will most likely affect your dog’s daily routine. Keep on giving the same amount of attention to your loyal friend and make him participate in activities with your baby such as walks or other activities around the house.

6 Create dedicated areas for the dog and child

Create specific areas in the home between dog and baby so that both feel free to experiment and live their lives independently. The baby will be free to crawl and play, while our furry friend will not always have to feel under pressure and can relax whenever he wants.

7 Keep food and bowls in a safe place

It is well known that children are attracted to everything and that they love to discover the world and every corner of the house. Always keep our dog's bowls and food in a safe spot. This way, the newborn will not inadvertently eat dog food or drink water from the dog's bowl. This will also avoid any territorial disputes from the dog

8 Teach your child how to properly pet the dog

Children do not measure strength. It is advisable to immediately accustom our child to gently touch our dog while avoiding unnecessary pulling of the tail or coat that could make our loyal four-legged friend nervous.

9 Never leave your dog and baby alone

Never leave your child and dog alone. During the first days of their acquaintance, sudden movements or noises can put each of them on the defensive and their reactions are unknown. The two brothers, the furry one and the baby will always need to be supervised.

Tips for dogs and newborn babies

These are some tips for the arrival of a newborn baby in a family that owns a dog. It may take some time for your trusted friend to get used to this new addition to the family, but with your supervision, your love and a few tricks, they will quickly become best friends for life.