Why do cats knead with their paws?

Why do cats knead with their paws?

Cats have very unique habits yet always manages to make their Pet Parent smile with their strange behaviors that often create new trends on social media. But there is a habit that unites all felines, kneading. Why do cats knead? What does it mean? Although cats' innate habit of kneading is known all over the world, no one is really sure as to why they do it. There are many theories, but science has not yet found the definitive conclusion to settle this debate. However, there are some rather intriguing hypotheses on the subject. Discover them below!

Why do cats knead?

1 A behavior that brings them back to kittenhood

Newborn kittens knead their mother's stomach to stimulate the flow of milk. Once grown up they continue with this habit as if it were instinctive behavior, which makes results in them feeling at ease and happy. In short, when cats knead with their paws it means that they are happy.

2 Primitive behavior to prepare their shelter

Another theory is that cats were born as predators and therefore were often hunting in forests. At night they built their shelter by flattening the grass and leaves to create a comfortable resting spot. According to this theory, cats knead with their paws as a primordial predator instinct.

3 Marking their territory

A recent hypothesis suggests that the habit of kneading in cats is seen as a sign to mark one's territory.

4 Need for pampering and attention

Some have noticed that cats purr while kneading. This is a sign that they need attention and cuddles. Maybe they just want a simple cuddle or want to draw our attention because of boredom or hunger.

5 Cats are in heat

The last intriguing theory is the one that claims when cats knead, they are signaling to potential partners that they are able to mate. These theories give us an explanation of why cats knead with their paws. This behavior will most likely remain a mystery but this innate habit of cats is adorable and much appreciated by all cat lovers.